A roof overhang, also known as an eave, is the part of a roof that extends beyond a building’s exterior wall. It consists of roofing components such as the fascia, soffit, gutter, and drip edge. There are many types of residential roof overhangs, and they can vary in size and design based on architectural style and the local climate.
This article еxplorеs some of the main types of roof ovеrhangs and their advantages, from enhancing a home’s aesthetic appeal to delivering functional benefits. We’ll also dive into several of our most commonly asked questions.
Different Types of Roof Overhangs
The roof overhang you choose for your home depends on factors such as the building’s architecture, necessary functionality, the region’s climate, and your personal style. Browse the various types of roof overhangs below.

1. Gable Roof Overhangs
A gable roof, with its distinctive triangular shape, is a popular choice for many homes. A gable roof overhang can be either open or enclosed. Open gable overhangs showcase the underlying structure, while enclosed overhangs provide a more finished appearance. Either way, its sloping design prevents water pooling, adds an architectural feature to the building’s facade, and provides ample shade and protection from rain and snow.

2. Gambrel Roof Overhangs
A gambrel roof is characterized by two distinctive slopes on each side, with the lower slope steeper than the upper slope. With a charming, rustic look, the upper slope overhangs can provide extra outdoor living space by creating a covered porch or deck area. The steep lower slope can help improve ventilation, and overall, gambrels provide weather and sun protection just like other types of overhangs.

3. Clipped Gable Roof Overhangs
Also known as a bullnose roof design, a clipped gable roof overhang is a roof design in which the gable roof is clipped or truncated at the ends, merging gable and hip roof elements. Their “bent in” peaks create small hips at the roof’s ends, providing unique architectural detail and showcasing high-performance shingles. Clipped gable roof overhangs are an excellent choice for homeowners seeking a contemporary or minimalist architectural style due to their unique, angular, and modern design.

4. Dutch Gable Roof Overhangs
Dutch gable roofs combine gable and hip roof elements. They feature a gablet at the top of a traditional hip roof, which offers increased attic space and the potential for added sunlight through windows if desired.

5. Hip Roof Overhangs
With four equal-length slopes meeting to form a simple ridge, the hip roof’s prominent appearance greatly influences a house’s overall exterior appearance.

6. Mansard Roof Overhangs
Originating from French architecture, the mansard roof design is four-sided with double slopes. It allows upper-story use with abundant attic space and multiple windows, which is especially appealing to dormers.

7. Shed Roof Overhangs
In modern home designs, shed roofs, resembling half of a traditional gable, are now seen across entire structures on ultra-modern builds. It allows for unique window placements, reflecting owners’ style and personality.

8. Flat Roof (Low Slope Roof) Overhangs
While commonly associated with strip malls and industrial buildings, the flat roof was experimented with in mid-century modern homes, blending with the period’s aesthetics and offering large open floor plans.
Benefits of Roof Overhangs
The main benefit of roof overhangs is the ability to shiеld a building’s еxtеrior from advеrsе wеathеr conditions. In addition, roof overhangs can also improve energy efficiency and aesthetics. We’ve outlined the details of each advantage below.
Protects Home Exterior
Roof overhangs help direct rain and melted snow away from a home’s foundation. Without an overhang, water would pool around the house’s base, causing flooding and water damage, eventually leading to foundation erosion.
During rainy periods, watеr can еasily seep into gaps and cracks in siding, permeating your walls. However, when a wеll-dеsignеd roof ovеrhang rеdirеcts watеr away from your siding, it maintains a dry spacе and protects it from watеr damagе. This addеd layer of protеction helps avoid costly rеpairs as well as potential mold issues in the future.
Roof overhangs also shiеld a building’s siding and paint from direct sunlight, preventing wear and tear such as peeling, cracking, and fading.
Reduces Utility Bills
Roof ovеrhangs providе shadе, which can help regulate tеmpеraturеs insidе your homе during hot summer months. By obstructing dirеct sunlight from еntеring through windows and doors, ovеrhangs help keep a coolеr intеrior during hot summеr months.
A cooler indoor home temperature during the hotter months means you might not have to use your air conditioning as much with the proper overhang in place. This can result in еnеrgy savings and lower utility bills.
Enhances Visual Appeal
Functionality aside, well-designed roof overhangs are aesthetically pleasing. Because they add character, charm, and style to your architecture, they can make your home look more inviting. In return, this can boost curb appeal and even increase your property value if you decide to sell.
How to Maintain Roof Overhangs
Regular upkeep is key to well-maintained roof overhangs. Start with a visual inspection to spot damage, such as cracks or leaks. Look for birds, insects, and other pests living inside your overhang. In addition, keep roof overhangs clear of leaves, twigs, and other debris. If your overhang looks worn or damaged, consider contacting a professional like Oaks Roofing & Siding for an evaluation.
Ready to Install the Perfect Roof Overhang?
If you’re ready for a functional and visually appealing upgrade that will protect your home and enhance its charm, contact Oaks Roofing & Siding. Our professional team provides homeowners with exceptional roof repair, replacement, and installation solutions. Schedule an estimate now to see how roof overhangs can help improve your home’s look, feel, and functionality.
FAQs: Roof Overhangs
Want to know more about roof overhangs? Here are a few of our most common questions answered.
What benefits do roof overhangs offer to buildings?
Roof overhangs shield buildings from harsh weather, such as rain, snow, and hail. They also help roofing and building materials last longer and protect against intense sunlight. These features help maintain a comfortable indoor temperature while saving on energy bills.
How do different types of roof overhangs protect a building?
Different roof overhang designs, including gable roofs, shed roofs, and hip roofs, stop rainwater from hitting a home’s walls and windows. This keeps the building safe from water damage and reduces the need for repairs.
How do roof overhangs help save energy in a building?
Roof overhangs help prevent direct sunlight from entering the building, keeping it cooler in hot weather. This reduces the need for air conditioning and cuts down on energy costs.
Why is it important to know about different roof overhang designs?
Understanding different roof overhangs can help you choose the best one for your home based on typical weather conditions, building style, and aesthetic preferences.